The 10 benefits of a corporate photo for a job candidate?

Are you a job candidate? Ask yourself this question: As you read this, do the photos of you (portrait or situational) that are on social media or on your resume show the best image of you? Are they recent? Do they make recruiters want to bring you into their company to work with you? Are they magnets for recruiters or do they repel them? If you have any doubts, then the following 10 points concern you:

  1. This shows consistency and visually represents the candidate’s skills, abilities and determination.
  2. A corporate photo can humanize and personalize the candidate’s profile.
  3. Is a powerful marketing tool for job candidates.
  4. Allows recruiters to determine the potential and maturity of the candidate.
  5. A photo can give immediate confidence and credibility to employers.
  6. A good photo can help the candidate stand out and attract the attention of recruiters.
  7. A corporate photo can highlight the professional qualities of the candidate
  8. A photo can show the candidate’s involvement with the job and colleagues.
  9. A corporate photo can help the candidate get a second chance, as it will transform them into a real and tangible person.
  10. A corporate photo can help improve the response rate because only a well-designed portrait can encourage recruiters to make contact.

Don’t wait any longer, request a corporate photo session for individuals