Corporate photo report

Corporate photography also consists in realizing photo reportage in company. I travel to the field to make photographs that illustrate the world of work. My objective of photo reportage is to represent at best the activity of the companies, their events, their products and/or services. Whether it is for very large companies or small craft companies, I like to show the human being at the heart of what is most noble: work.

Photo reportage in company : The baker

Example of corporate photo reportage:

Here is a corporate photo reportage commissioned by Maxime Vuillin, artisan baker, owner of the “Boulangerie du Vieux Moulin” in Ivry-sur-Seine. The photo reportage in company is also a domain of the company photographer.

I noticed the good mood that he instills in his establishment where employees and apprentices work, as well as the benevolence when he greets his customers whom he seems to know well. The first to arrive is Tristan, at 4:00 am to produce the different breads. Then the rest of the team arrives at 6:00 am. Concentrated, in a warm room, Tristan repeats the same gestures to bake the different breads, croissants, pains au chocolat, etc. As for the rest of the team, they prepare what is needed in the pastry shop, just in time, in order to keep a maximum of freshness. And I, equipped with a fixed focal length lens of 50mm, as well as a wide angle, I capture the representative moments of his establishment. Corporate photographer of photo reportage, this is what I try to bring out in my photos reportage.

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